About us

Company vision

There is blue-collar and white-collar labor; however, at Skilled Collar Canada, we focus on people's skillset first and foremost. We listen to the needs and requirements of our Canadian partners. We pay particular attention to expectations communicated to us by employers and candidates alike. At Skilled Collar Canada we are committed to the successful recruitment and transition of foreign skilled workers in the Canadian workplace.
About us

What we do

In this pandemic era, the Canadian economy is more than ever before in shortage of skilled labor and Canadian employers are faced with the challenge of finding qualified candidates to fulfill thousands of jobs nationwide. This challenge is even more acute when it comes to skilled trades.
On the other hand, thousands of skilled workers dream about finding a job in Canada where they can utilize their skills and expertise. Skilled Collar Canada is here to make this connection possible between both parties. Whether you are a blue-collar, white-collar, or any other denomination; we believe there is a place for you to prove your skills in the Canadian economy. Our team is dedicated to eliminating physical and social barriers between Canadian employers and qualified foreign workers to address Canada’s labor shortage.


In a post-pandemic world, thousands of jobs are currently vacant in Canada, and businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to find qualified talent. As a result, companies lose huge resources and miss out on countless business opportunities. The labor shortage is indeed here to stay for years to come!

At the same time, thousands of people around the world dream of coming to Canada to work and start a new life. These people are skilled, experienced and able to do the job as well as any Canadian. However, because of our complex and restrictive immigration system, immigrating and working in Canada is easier said than done.

Luckily, Skilled Collar Canada was started to respond to these needs by breaking down the physical and social boundaries between Canadian employers and overseas talent.



Help Canadian employers fill their shortage of qualified workforce

Diversify the Canadian workplace.

Facilitate the recruitment, integration and success of foreign workers.


From the very beginning, we have been committed to staying true to our core values:

Provide in-depth expertise while remaining compassionate

At Skilled Collar we believe that diversity is key to our success

We strive for excellence and continuous improvement in everything we do: happy worker makes for a happy employer!


"Skilled Collar has an extensive network of people both in the industry and in vocational training to provide skilled labor. I highly recommend them for anyone looking for work in Canada in skilled trades."

- Majdi B -